In a dramatic turn of events, Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt were seen embroiled in a heated argument at Delhi Airport yesterday. The confrontation, which took place in the crowded departure lounge, allegedly centered around Ranveer Singh, a well-known figure in the Indian film industry and a close friend of both actors.

Lot of similarities between Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor: Alia Bhatt

According to eyewitnesses, tensions flared when Ranbir Kapoor arrived at the airport to catch a flight for an upcoming film shoot. Alia Bhatt, who was also at the airport for a separate engagement, was reportedly caught off guard by Ranbir’s sudden appearance. The situation escalated when Ranveer Singh’s name was mentioned, sparking a fierce exchange between the two stars.

Sources close to the incident suggest that the disagreement was rooted in professional rivalry. Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh have been in the spotlight for their competitive performances in recent films, and rumors of tension between them have been circulating for months. Alia Bhatt, who is known to have a close friendship with both actors, seemed to be caught in the crossfire, adding fuel to the fire.

Ranbir Kapoor ĐÁNH NHAU VỚI Gf Alia Bhatt trước mặt Ranveer Singh và những người nổi tiếng khác tại Sân bay Delhi

The argument reportedly began with Ranbir expressing his frustrations about a recent project where Ranveer Singh’s involvement had reportedly overshadowed his own work. Alia Bhatt, who had been working closely with Ranveer on a different project, allegedly defended him, leading to a heated exchange of words.

As the argument intensified, other passengers and airport staff attempted to intervene. Despite their efforts, the altercation continued for several minutes before both stars were separated and went their separate ways. The situation was defused just in time for Ranbir Kapoor to board his flight, leaving Alia Bhatt behind.

Following the incident, there has been a flurry of speculation regarding the nature of the disagreement. Industry insiders suggest that the ultimate cause may be rooted in professional envy rather than personal animosity. Both Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh have been vying for top positions in Bollywood, and their competitive natures might have exacerbated the situation.

In response to the incident, Alia Bhatt has remained tight-lipped, while Ranbir Kapoor issued a brief statement expressing regret over the altercation. Ranveer Singh has not yet commented publicly, but sources close to him have indicated that he is focusing on his work and is not keen to engage in public disputes.

The altercation has certainly stirred up buzz among fans and the media, who are eager to delve deeper into the underlying reasons behind the confrontation. As the dust settles, it remains to be seen how this incident will affect the relationships between these high-profile stars and their future collaborations.