Malayalam actor Pragya Nagra broke her silence on her leaked private video. She shared a post on X and called the incident a ‘bad dream.’

Pragya Nagra reacts to her leaked video. (Credit: Instagram/pragyanagra)

Malayalam actor Pragya Nagra recently reacted to her private video being leaked online.

The actor shared a post on X and expressed her anger against the ‘evil minds.’

Though the video’s source is unclear, it has impacted her reputation.

Pragya Nagra, a prominent social media personality with over 1.1 million Instagram followers, has made a name for herself in Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam cinema, debuting in the Tamil industry in 2022.

Take a look at the post here:

Pragya expressed her ordeal in a post and wrote, “Still in denial, and still hoping that it’s just a bad dream that I will wake up from.

Technology was meant to help us and not make our lives miserable.

Can just pity the evil minds who misuse it to create such AI content and the people who help spread it!

Trying to stay strong through all of this, and grateful to all the people who are there for me in these moments.

I hope and pray that no other woman has to go through such an ordeal, and that all of you stay safe (sic).”

Pragya Nagra was last seen in the Telugu film Laggam, sharing the screen with Sai Ronak, Rajendra Prasad, Rohini, Vadlamani Srinivas, Raghu Babu, LB Sriram, Saptagiri, Krishnudu, Raccha Ravi, and others.