Recently, there have been some sensational rumors surrounding the personal lives of Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The gossip centers around their relationship, with reports suggesting that their marriage has been facing challenges for some time. Speculations have linked these issues to a third party, notably actress Nimrit Kaur, who has been mentioned as a possible reason behind the alleged turmoil in their relationship.

Nimrat Kaur Confirms Relationship with Abhishek Bachchan after Separation with Aishwarya Rai

The story first gained attention when Nimrit Kaur, in an interview with Abhishek Bachchan, made a remark about marriages not lasting long. Abhishek smiled at the comment and even thanked her for it. This interaction, which might have been a casual exchange, soon went viral and triggered widespread speculation about its implications. People started to wonder if there was more to their relationship than meets the eye, and if Nimrit Kaur’s words could have been a subtle reference to the Bachchans’ personal struggles.

Aishwarya Rai, who has been a prominent figure in Bollywood for years, is reported to have been living separately from the Bachchan family for the past two years. Initially, the cause of this separation was believed to be her strained relationship with Abhishek’s sister, Shweta Bachchan. The tension between the two women seemed to have escalated after Shweta reportedly moved into the Bachchan household, which allegedly led to a rift between Aishwarya and the rest of the family. However, a new twist in the narrative has emerged, with claims that Aishwarya’s departure from the Bachchan family was not solely due to her relationship with Shweta but was influenced by her growing distance from Abhishek himself.

Abhishek Bachchan and Nimrat Kaur affair rumors fuel divorce speculation

Reports now suggest that the true cause of the disruption in the Bachchan household was related to Nimrit Kaur, who had worked with Abhishek Bachchan in his tenth film. According to sources, the closeness between Abhishek and Nimrit during their professional collaboration created tensions at home. What was once a small spark began to grow, ultimately causing a significant strain in the Bachchan family. Social media platforms quickly picked up on this angle, and many users began to point fingers at Nimrit Kaur, claiming that her involvement with Abhishek may have led to the unraveling of his marriage with Aishwarya.

Two years ago, rumors had already started to circulate about trouble in Abhishek and Aishwarya’s relationship, with speculations suggesting that things were not going well between them. In the aftermath, Aishwarya reportedly moved out of the Bachchan family home, taking their daughter, Aaradhya, with her. While there were various reasons given for this separation, many people have now started to connect the dots and believe that Nimrit Kaur played a significant role in the breakdown of the couple’s marriage.

This new theory about Nimrit Kaur’s involvement has sparked debates and further fueled gossip in the media. People are curious about the real reasons behind Aishwarya and Abhishek’s marital issues, with some blaming external factors, while others point to deeper personal conflicts. As with many high-profile celebrity relationships, the details remain unclear, and speculation continues to swirl.

Amid Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai divorce rumours, Nimrit Kaur saying "Marriages don't last that long" in an old video goes viral - watch

Despite the ongoing buzz, neither Aishwarya Rai Bachchan nor Abhishek Bachchan has publicly commented on these rumors or the events leading to their separation. The couple has maintained their privacy, and only time will tell if they choose to address these matters openly. Meanwhile, Nimrit Kaur has not responded to the claims either, leaving the situation in a state of uncertainty.

As the story continues to develop, fans and media alike are left to wonder about the true reasons behind one of Bollywood’s most talked-about relationships. For now, the speculation remains just that—speculation—and the only certainty is that the Bachchan family, once considered a symbol of unity and strength in the Indian film industry, is now grappling with some complex and very personal challenges.