The Chopra sisters – Priyanka and Mannara have been making headlines for quite some time now. Earlier, pictures and videos from their Holi celebrations went viral on social media and then their relationship on Mannara’s birthday melted hearts. However, there is still a section of people who, despite knowing that Priyanka Chopra and Mannara Chopra are cousins, do not know what kind of relationship the two have.
Priyanka, who is praised for maintaining a close bond with all her family members despite her figure and busy schedule, has always had a special bond with Mannara. She was the one who suggested the Boss star change her name from Barbie Handa after she entered the entertainment world.
She even stood by Mannara during the promotions of her first Bollywood film ‘ Zid . She interacted with the media, expressed her faith in her sister and sent her heartfelt wishes.
On the other hand, Mannara has always spoken highly of Priyanka. She has been a part of many of her special moments. Mannara was present in the bridesmaid squad when PeeCee got married to Nick Jonas. There are pictures of Mannara and Priyanka from various wedding ceremonies.
More recently, when Priyanka visited India, the sisters made the most of the opportunity. They celebrated Holi together and painted their social media with the colours of friendship. Later, Priyanka and Nick graced Mannara’s birthday party with their presence and added glamour to the occasion.
All this goes to show that the bond between the two sisters is getting stronger with each passing day.
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