Recently, the incident of Shahrukh Khan receiving threatening calls has raised concerns for Bollywood and Mumbai Police. In this threat, a ransom of Rs 50 lakh was demanded from him and he was threatened that if he did not do so, he would be killed. This call came to Bandra Police Station in Mumbai on November 5, due to which the police immediately became alert and started investigating the call.
While investigating the matter by Mumbai Police, the number of a person Faizan in Raipur was found, from which the call was made. Faizan says that his mobile was stolen a few days ago, and he also lodged an FIR in Raipur Police Station in this regard. However, his number was not blocked and Shahrukh Khan was threatened from the stolen phone. Faizan also told that earlier he used to live in Mumbai and now he is a lawyer in Raipur. During the interrogation by the police, he put forward his side and now he has been called to Mumbai again to give a statement on November 14.
The matter became more complicated when news came out that Salman Khan and Baba Siddiqui’s son Zeeshan Siddiqui also received similar threats. These incidents have presented a new challenge for the Mumbai Police. In view of Shahrukh Khan’s safety, security has been tightened outside his bungalow ‘Mannat’. He already has Y Plus category security, which includes 11 police personnel, commandos, and a Scott vehicle.
At present, the police is trying to find out the pattern of the people giving threats, because film stars and politicians are constantly being targeted in such incidents.
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