In recent news, an event featuring Bollywood’s power couple, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor, has stirred up quite a storm among fans and observers. The incident in question involved a public appearance where Alia Bhatt was seen alongside her sister and her mother-in-law, Nitu Kapoor. The interaction—or lack thereof—between Alia and Nitu Kapoor has caught the attention of many, leading to a flurry of comments and discussions online.

Alia Bhatt's BEHAVIOUR around Ranbir Kapoor's mom Neetu at Animal screening SPARKS controversy!

At the event, Alia was spotted wearing a T-shirt that featured Ranbir Kapoor’s latest movie, showcasing her support for her husband’s new project. However, despite this outward show of solidarity, the atmosphere between Alia and her mother-in-law seemed anything but warm. Observers noted that Alia appeared visibly uncomfortable standing next to Nitu Kapoor, with Ranbir Kapoor seemingly indifferent to the situation.

Alia Bhatt's shocking Behavior with Neetu Kapoor infront of Ranbir Kapoor & media at animal party! - YouTube

Ranbir’s body language during the event has been a focal point of criticism. He was often seen looking away or focusing on something else, seemingly avoiding the tension between his wife and mother. This behavior led many to question whether he was fully aware of—or concerned about—the discomfort Alia was experiencing.

Alia Bhatt FIGHT With Mother Inlaw Neetu Kapoor In PUBLIC At Animal Movie Success Party

Comments from fans and social media users reflect a growing discontent with Ranbir’s handling of the situation. Some have suggested that Ranbir should take a cue from other Bollywood stars like Ranveer Singh and Vicky Kaushal, who are known for their efforts to balance respect and affection for both their wives and mothers. Critics have voiced their frustration, pointing out that Ranbir’s behavior appeared to show a lack of empathy and support for Alia.

One user commented on the tight bond Ranbir displayed with his mother, questioning why he was so focused on Nitu Kapoor and neglecting his wife. The sentiment was echoed by others who felt that the situation was unfair to Alia, who was left feeling like a stranger in her own public appearance. This perceived imbalance in attention and respect led to remarks about the lack of chemistry and connection between the couple, exacerbated by the presence of Nitu Kapoor.

Further comments expressed dismay at how Alia had to manage the event with her sister and mother while her mother-in-law remained a constant presence. Some users felt that Nitu Kapoor’s behavior was annoyingly clingy, suggesting that it was disrespectful to Alia. The criticism centered around the idea that Alia’s role seemed secondary compared to her mother-in-law’s dominance, raising questions about the dynamics of their relationship.

Ranbir Kapoor arrives with wife Alia Bhatt and mother Neetu Kapoor for Animal success party; film's team recreates Bobby Deol's signature pose. See pics, videos | Bollywood News - The Indian Express

In addition, there were remarks questioning Alia’s decision to marry Ranbir Kapoor, given the apparent lack of harmony between her and his family. Some wondered why there seemed to be a lack of mutual respect and understanding, which should ideally characterize a marriage.

Ranbir Kapoor arrives with wife Alia Bhatt and mother Neetu Kapoor for Animal success party; film's team recreates Bobby Deol's signature pose. See pics, videos | Bollywood News - The Indian Express

Overall, the public reaction to the event highlights ongoing concerns about family dynamics in high-profile relationships. The apparent discomfort and lack of connection between Alia Bhatt and Nitu Kapoor, coupled with Ranbir Kapoor’s seemingly indifferent stance, have sparked a broader discussion about the challenges of navigating familial expectations and personal relationships in the public eye.

Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, Mahesh Bhatt arrives at Animal Movie Success Party

As the conversation continues, many are keen to see how this situation will evolve and whether Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will address the concerns raised by their fans. For now, the event has left fans and observers questioning the nature of their relationship and the impact of family dynamics on their public appearances.

What are your thoughts on this unfolding situation? Do you believe there is more to the story, or is this a simple case of public scrutiny? Share your opinions in the comments, and stay tuned for further updates on this intriguing topic.